Yuborilgan mamlakat Narxi Taxminiy yetkazib berish muddati Minimal vazn Sotib olish xizmati
AQSH 12$/kg 4-9 ish kunlari 0,3 kg 12 %
Xarajatlar kalkulyatori Minimum weight: 300 grams.
Jo`natiladigan mamlakat
Posilkaning og`irligi
The cost of the parcel
AQSH dollari
Yetkazib berish narxi: 0$
Qo`shimcha xizmatlar narxi: 0$
Boj miqdori: 0$
Buy for you: 0$
Umumiy narxi : 0$ Регистрация

In some cases, volumetric weight can be applied to the calculation.

The cost of the bulk weight is applied if: The sum of the three sides of the parcel exceeds 150 centimeters.

The volumetric weight is calculated as follows: length(cm) * width(cm) * height(cm) / 6000.

The volumetric weight is compared with the actual one, the cost is calculated based on the exceeding value.

If you have any questions about the weight calculation standards, write or call us, we will be happy to advise you on all issues.

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