Shipping services
How to pay for parcel(s) online?

In order to pay for parcels online, you need to go to your personal account - Parcels received in Tashkent. And click "pay" if you want to pay for one parcel. Or "will pay for everything" - if all parcels with the status "Received in Kyiv".
Next, depending on the selected option, the next step will appear, where you will need to choose "pay for one parcel" or "pay for all". Please note that the amount to be paid is indicated taking into account your balance.
In the next step, you will need to enter the details of the card and literally in 2 clicks your parcels are paid.
You can also pay for all unpaid parcels with the status "Received in Tashkent" in the "Balance" tab or on the main page of the Personal Cabinet.

How to order delivery to an address or to the EMU branch?

In order to order delivery, you need to go to your personal account and click "Received in Tashkent", there will be a list of all parcels that are currently in stock in Kyiv and for which you can order delivery. You can choose delivery for all parcels at once or for each one separately. To do this, there is a "deliver" button opposite each package or a "deliver all" button at the bottom.
Unpaid parcels will be sent cash on delivery, which you will be additionally notified about. If you selected "deliver all parcels", you will be offered to select the parcels you want to deliver. By default, all parcels will be selected. If part of the parcels will need to be sent to another address, remove the birds from them. For these packages, you will need to make another delivery request.
After that, you need to choose "delivery to the office" or "address delivery" On the page that opens, add the name of the address (so that you can easily identify it later) and specify all the necessary information. This delivery address will be saved in the "My Data" tab. In the future, you will be able to select an ego from the list and you will not need to add an ego manually. After that, click "next". Please note that the status "delivery ordered" will be indicated for parcels for which you have ordered delivery.

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